"HécatombeTV is a book documenting the end of the cathode ray tube era. For more than 10 years, the director Samuel Rixon and I, collected more than 600 photos of cathode ray televisions abandoned in the streets. Join by friends through the years. Apart from the obsessive accumulation, this work tends to document this object as a symbol of a generation. After years of collecting, we entrusted all the images to the Mitsu studio. And together we made this book out of it. A tribute to our dear cathode-ray tube television."
664 pages,
140 x 200 mm.
French, english, spanish, italian & german.
350 numeroted copies, publish in september 2022.
Available on Mitsu shop. And also Yvon Lambert(Paris), Cahier Central(Paris), Volume(Paris), Librairie Sans-titre(Paris), Palais de Tokyo(Paris), Do you read me(Berlin), Mzin(Leipzig)(...).